Bar Kochva Revolt 132–135 CE : The Second Rebellion Against Rome
Based on the Multi award winning screenplay written by Ronen Tregerman & Jack Snyder and adapted into a novel written by Ronen Tregerman comes the amazing story of Son Of Star – Bar Kochva as his people called him. The leader of the second rebellion against Rome fought to free the Holy land from the Pagan false gods and empire that worshiped them.
“When one man raises his sword against the world biggest empire in a quest against all odds to free his people, a battle that will be written on the pages of history rages on. This heroic 2000 year old story follows Son of Star leader of the second rebellion through the fierce battles and the battle of the minds against mighty Rome.”

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Meet the Author
As a storyteller at heart and with a strong sense of adventure the author is on an ongoing quest after long lost legends. This story started with a visit to a museum prompting a chase after a two thousand year old coin in the center of this heroic story. This novel follows true events starting at present times and taking us back two thousand years to the Holy land.
Starting with Simon Son Of Star, in the works are additional books, all in the realm of long lost legends and treasures following true events.
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